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we empower future readiness
I am always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught!


The portfolio of Transformation Management AG reflects knowledge, expert and methodological competence, as well as the wide professional experience of the team. The portfolio primarily covers the following topics:



Details of the individual areas you will find on the right under "Downloads".


Cultural Transformation:

How do organisations fundamentally align their change processes? How do they design their „internal“ architecture of transformation and which approach promises a successful implementation?

Learning Architecture and Leadership Development:

How do we determine the maturity level of our managers in a way that results are reliable and accepted by the parties concerned ? How are effective learning and development concepts designed? How can we shape learning processes with mind, body and emotions in order to support enthusiasm for learning?

Strategic Succession and Talent Management

What does a strategic Leadership Impact Model for key positions look like? How can we effectively measure and assess the risks in succession processes? What consequences can be drawn for strategic Talent Management?

You can find more detailed information on our consulting spectrum by clicking on the respective headings!