How can we effectively create transformation processes?
"The purest form of madness is to leave everything as it is and still hope that something will change." (Albert Einstein)
We are creating an increasingly dynamic and complex world. The time needed and the time available are often not proportional to each other. We are required to make the right decisions as quickly as possible with an overflow of information … often within an unclear scope with unintended consequences.
Therefore, initiatives to professionalise organisations are inevitable. These in turn - just as inevitable - lead to change. Change is usually not very popular or welcomed. Change initiatives require the highest attention und professionalism from the executive management. More often than not, everyone does "Change Management" wrong in a different way. The costs are money, time, energy and motivation. When change projects fail, the topics which they were aimed at are often "burnt out" after several years.
Today we know that Change Management is a difficult process without any guarantee for success. Instead it offers many possibilities to fail. Reliable estimates show that up to 80% of all change initiatives in organisations fail.
Successful transformation management can achieve a sustainable and profound impact in organisations when a process-oriented mix of hard and soft transformation levers is controlled intelligently and co-creatively (dual management). When applying these transformation levers at the right time, the chances of a successful transformation process with the desired outcome increase.
Our Consulting Spectrum in the Field of Cultural Transformation