Organizational Learning Index® - OLI®
«“The capacity to learn at a faster rate than the competition may be the only sustainable competitive advantage.“ »
Arie de Geus
What´s the background?
The business world today is in a in a state that has never been as dynamic as it is today. Various crises are hitting companies and their managers. Often at the same time. Companies will only be successful in the future if they can adapt quicker to these new circumstances than their competitors/the market. This requires an unprecedented speed of adaptation, foresight and critical thinking at all levels and among all stakeholders. It is therefore a question of ensuring future viability. This can only be achieved by creating an appropriate contemporary learning culture and learning architecture.
What is it about?
The Organizational Learning Index® is a tool for assessing the maturity level of an organization/company in terms of learning. It evaluates the companies readiness for the future.
What is the key benefit?
The target is to evaluate the fitness of the organization in terms of learning as a company, team and individual. As an add on participants will receive a valid result compared to their industry, size and countries (D-A-CH) regarding the level of organizational learning maturity and their specific design of learning processes (as an organization, as teams as well as individual).
Based on this status quo in learning quality, companies receive detailed recommendations for a focused development of their learning culture. This creates the basis for successfully shaping the future of the company and the fitness in terms of learning as an organization, team and individual.
What´s the method?
The Organizational Learning Index (OLI®) is based on 2 levels:
Level 1 - Quick-Check: 21 statements via platform; result: overall benchmark results – free of charge
Level 2 - OLI® Deep-Dive: 90-minutes interview that includes both qualitative and quantitative elements. It assesses key parameters ranging all the way from the strategic and future orientation of learning in the organization to the learning architecture and the learning methods and tools in place. Benchmarkresult in detail with conceptual and concrete ideas to achiev the next benchmark-level.
Specific recommendations based on the benchmark results of the best organizations are the key benefit for the participating companies and pave the way for purposeful further development.
In a workshop, the OLI® results will be discussed in detail and, based on the recommendations, next steps will be outlined for the targeted enhancement of the company's learning culture.
Please ask for a non-binding appointment with the study director please click here!
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Who is the target group?
Executives, board members, and HR managers of companies with 100 or more employees.
Unlock the full potential of your organization with OLI®!
Take the opportunity to make learning in your organization fit for the future by participating in the Organizational Learning Index.
Be smarter than your competition - make yourself fit for the future - take part in the Organizational Learning Index
We are looking forward to your non-binding inquiry
Mail: Phone: +41 71 280 17 77