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we empower future readiness
Forget about simple tools

Kurt Huber

Coaching, Organizational and People Development

„Unfolding Potential“

Successful companies ensure their long-term adaptability and performance through a modern leadership culture, targeted talent and competence management, and a corporate culture that embraces change as an opportunity.

With over 25 years of experience in the automotive and construction supply industry – including more than 15 years in senior leadership roles – I support companies in shaping and embedding these key success factors.

My Focus Areas:

  • Leadership Development: Designing and implementing international leadership programs to enhance effective leadership competencies
  • Organizational Development & Change Management: Supporting transformation processes with a focus on sustainable execution
  • Talent & Competence Management: Identifying, developing, and strategically integrating talent within the company
  • Coaching & Mentoring: Supporting managers and teams in the targeted development of their skills and potential

Together, we create solutions that drive companies and people forward.