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we empower future readiness
Never confuse movement with action


In a knowledge-based society continuous learning is inevitable and guarantees sustainable success. At the heart of successful learning lies the responsibility for and the design of the personal learning process - for individuals, for groups and the organisation as a whole.

Evidently, knowledge is a decisive competitive advantage for organisations. The growing demand of markets, customers and employees challenge us on a daily basis which no longer can be mastered by relying on traditional hypotheses or behavioural patterns. Nowadays, volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA) describe and are considered the central challenges for managers. „As I talk with learning and HR executives around the world, I hear these issues coming up everywhere. In fact, our recent research on global human capital trends shows that 84% of business leaders cite the ‘need for improved organizational learning’ as a top priority, and 44% say it’s urgent” (Bersin 2016).

Qualified reflection will become the central competence for a conscious development of personal actionability ("Dynaxiblity"). Because only people who can cognitively understand and emotionally process their experiences will be able to change their behaviour consciously. These people will mature within their personality.

In the course of our work, we combine science and practice and hereby follow our 6-step learning module. Thereby the competence of reflection is successively and sustainably embedded in organisations. 

The 6-Step Model of Experiential Learning:


It is important to aknowledge the difference between normal contemplation, analysis and reflection.