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we empower future readiness
Empowering development is shaping future successes

Leadership Alignment

An organisation's success is directly linked to the quality of the daily leadership.

Therefore, it is of utmost importance to create clarity about the desired leadership behaviour in organisations which will ultimately support achieving strategic objectives. A competence model ("Leadership Impact Model“) is the foundation for this. This kind of model defines leadership competences that are considered necessary to ensure the future viability of organisations in a complex and dynamic environment.

Such a competence model allows managers orientation and at the same time offers a benchmark for assessing and evaluating their leadership quality. Furthermore, it can be used as a basis for Potential Development Measures, uncovering and classifying observed behavioural patterns by means of this competence model. Hence, the model offers a foundation and starting point for a balanced competence development in organisations. Moreover, it has proven meaningful and pragmatic to differentiate between several maturity levels (based on the "Leadership Maturity Model" of the American Cornell University and Carnegie Mellon's IT "Capability Maturity Model")

A maturity model illustrated as a 4-step sequence allows the assumption that consecutive competence and behaviour development and extension enable a higher chance for archieving busness goals successfully. People on the highest maturity level hold abilities that help create and/or use an environment in which others have the opportunity to develop themselves and/or are supported in their durther development. Put in a nutshel, the overall goal is to protect and reinforce organisation's ability to act effectively in the future.

Topics in the Field of Leadership - Alignment


  • Leadership principles
  • Guideline development
  • Competence model
  • Leadership Balance Sheet
  • Leadership systematic (leadership process, leadership tools)
  • Conceptualisation
  • Implementation
  • Management of development passages

How Effective Leaders Adjust Their Focus

An interview with Rosabeth Moss Kanter

Professor, Harvard Business School