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we empower future readiness
Success is all about growing others

Talent and Succession Management

On the one hand we hear: "Please stop. I can't hear the word "Talent Management" one more time. It's just another buzz word. Its just the same wine in a new bottle.“. On the other hand we hear: „Talent Management is more than ever  a future oriented core task.". Over 15 years ago Ed Micheal's "The War for Talent" initiated an absolute Talent Management hype between 2008 and 2013. It seems that in organisations nowadays this topic has returned back to "normality" – but the next hype is just around the corner.

Meanwhile we can very well assess where Talent Management stands in organisations today and we know how to design it effectively. We have gained this knowledge from several sources: our international empirical study in European German speaking countries with more than 270 organisational participants from numerous industries, our more than 60 successfully completed relevant consulting projects, as well as our intensive literature research and thorough market observations. We have quickly recognised what is useful, meaningful and future-oriented and in particular we have understood how Talent Management should be aligned in order to have a sustainable strategic competitive advantage. We are also aware of the weaknesses and can point out where Talent Management is only used as a modern obligatory necessity. This often leads to high-potentials being disapointed and having to take the consequences of empty promises. As always, it depends on what you make of it.

What organisations really make of it and have done with it ..., this is what we are currently looking at in our second phase of the empirical study: "Strategic Succession and Talent Management Index 2.0“. We explore how Talent Management is practiced today, how competence development is organised and what value Learning has in this context. The primary results are very exciting and deliver meaningful findings about the future viability of organisations ...